


(WIP) Problem Solving and Clojure 1.9 with Rich Hickey

Joy Clark: Hello, everyone, and welcome to a new conversation about software engineering. こんにちはみなさん。ソフトウェア工学についての今回の会話にようこそ。This is Joy Clark, and today on the CaSE Podcast I'm going to be talking to Rich …

(WIP) Guides - spec Guide

Getting started 始め方 The spec library specifies the structure of data, validates or destructures it, and can generate data based on the spec. specライブラリを用いると、データの構造のスペックを書くことができる。また、データを検証したり分…

(WIP) Clojure from the ground up: macros マクロ

https://aphyr.com/posts/305-clojure-from-the-ground-up-macros In Chapter 1, I asserted that the grammer of Lisp is uniform: every expression is a list, beginning with a verb, and followed by some arguments. 第1章で強調したとおり、Lispの文…